NLP Practitioner 16 jan | NLP Master Practitioner 16 jan | NLP & Business Coach 22 jan | Health Coach 22 jan
Certified Cognitive Coach (online): Ongoing
Place: Oslo & Online
Structure: The training is in 4 parts. NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP & Business Coach/Health Coach, Certified Cognitive Coach
Pre requisities: NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP & Business Coach/Health Coach
Normalpris kr 9900,- dvs. 840€ Faktura kan sendes, ta kontakt på mail for å melde deg på, eller meld deg på elektronisk via siden. (prerequisites NLP Practitioner, NLP Master, NLP & Business Coach/Health Coach)
Cognitive Coach Certification Special Pack (inkl. NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, Business Coach or Health Coach & Certified Cognitive Coach: 90 000,- NOK)
The fee must be paid within 7 days from sign-up. Payment in parts can be applied through Svea finans: LINK HERE
Communication & Coaching Psychology.
This accredited Certified Cognitive Coach training aims to give you the skills necessary to practice as a Professional Cognitive Coach.
The training has long been awaited and combines the field of Coaching with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The process of Cognitive Coaching is all about human potential, mind growth, personal development and positive change. Everyone grows and changes through their lifespan. As a Cognitive Coach you will be able to help people of all ages and walks of life to tap into their own potential and reach their goals.
By providing the knowledge, tools and techniques to practice within this field you can be a powerful agent of change applying problem-solving skills and powerful coaching techniques in your personal life and your professional coaching practice.
Course Objectives:
- How to implement and practice Cognitive Coaching
- Understand the principles of Cognitive Coaching and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- How to identify and make changes to negative thought patterns, feelings and behaviours
- How to use Cognitive Coaching and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with a range of common problems and/or challenges
Course Format:
- This training is 100% online so you can complete it at your own pace to fit in with your daily schedule.
- Combines theory and practice
- Assignments – written and audio
Course Requirements:
- NLP Practitioner
- NLP Master Practitioner
- At least one NOCNA Advanced Coach Certification (Health Coach, NLP Coach, Business Coach, Platinum Coach)
Course Content:
- Becoming a Cognitive Coach
- Understanding Cognition
- Goal Setting and Outcomes
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
- Developing Awareness
- Cognitive Coaching Techniques
Nordic Coach & NLP Academy (NOCNA) har mottatt en formell og uavhengig CPD akkreditering, og er nå registrert leverandør ved CPD Standards Office i England. Alle deltakere ved dette kurset vil bli utstedt med et CPD sertifikat, som kan brukes i faglig sammenheng opp i mot arbeidsgiver eller fagorganisasjon. Denne utdanningen gir deg 80 CPD poeng.

Developing as a Certified Cognitive Coach
As you learn more about Cognitive Coaching you develop awareness about the cognitive coaching process. You will become an expert in helping clients to:
- Identify and Set Goals
- Identify Obstacles and Problem Areas
- Developing a Growth Mindset
- Working with Expectations
- Identify and Activate Resources
- Identify and Develop a Plan of Action
- Providing Accountability and Support
- Professional Cognitive Coaching Practice
As a Certified Cognitive Coach you will develop your awareness and coaching skills for working with issues on thoughts, emotions and behaviours. You will develop as an agent of change and transformation.
Cognitive Coaching is based on the idea that metacognition, or being aware of one’s own thinking processes, fosters independence in learning and practice. By providing personal insights into the client’s own thinking processes, Cognitive Coaching builds flexible and effective problem-solving skills. Plus, it encourages self-confidence, self-efficacy and pride.